Property building in Atlantis The Royal

Atlantis The Royal


Atlantis The Royalへようこそ。ここは、アラブ首長国連邦ドバイのパームジュメイラにあるクレセントロード沿いの豪華な5つ星リゾートです。プライベートビーチエリア、ビーチフロントアクセス、屋外プールで贅沢なひとときをお楽しみください。美味しい朝食で一日を始め、ウォーターパーク、スパ、ウェルネスパッケージなどのさまざまなアメニティをお楽しみください。料金は$796から始まり、リゾートは3075件のレビューを獲得しています。

リゾートでは、ウォータースポーツ、テニス、キッズクラブなどのアクティビティが豊富に用意されており、家族や楽しい休暇を求める旅行者に最適です。トルコ式/スチームバス、サウナ、ホットタブの設備でリラックスした体験をお楽しみください。さまざまなダイニングオプション、フィットネスセンター、豊富なエンターテイメントやレクリエーションアクティビティを備えたAtlantis The Royalは、活気に満ちた思い出に残る休暇を提供します。無料Wi-Fi、プライベート駐車場、空港シャトルサービスの便利さをお楽しみください。

美しい海の景色を望むリゾートは、ベビーシッティング、ビジネスセンター、夜のエンターテイメントなど、幅広い施設とサービスを提供しています。禁煙ルームの快適さでリラックスし、リゾートのコンシェルジュ、ランドリー、ドライクリーニングサービスを最大限に活用してください。Atlantis The Royalは、ドバイでの贅沢でリフレッシュできる隠れ家に最適な目的地です。

Bedroom in Atlantis The Royal
Bedroom, Bed in Atlantis The Royal


Sky Terrace Suite in Atlantis The Royal


1 キングサイズベッド


110 平方フィート

Sky Suite, テラス





Three Bedroom Sky Terrace Suite in Atlantis The Royal


1 キングサイズベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド

2 ダブルベッド


110 平方フィート

Sky Suite, 3ベッドルーム, テラス





Sky Terrace Family Suite in Atlantis The Royal


1 キングサイズベッド

2 ソファベッド


110 平方フィート

Sky Family Suite, テラス






Atlantis The Royalは、異なる体験に最適なプールの素晴らしいセレクションを提供しています。リゾート内のプールの一つは大人専用プールで、浅いエンドと素晴らしい景色を楽しみながら、リラックスするための静かで穏やかな環境を確保しています。家族やすべてのゲストは、周囲の息をのむような景色を楽しめるインフィニティ屋上プールや、飛び込みができる他の屋外プールを楽しむことができます。小さなお子様のためには、浅いエンドを備えた別のプールがあり、安全で楽しい水遊びのスペースを提供しています。

リゾートは、多様な味や好みに応じた多彩なダイニングオプションを誇っています。家族向けでモダンな雰囲気の中でペルー料理を味わいたい方は、ガストン・アクリオのラ・マールへどうぞ。ロマンチックなダイニング体験を求める方は、コスタス・スピリアディスのエスティアトリオ・ミロスで地中海の風味を堪能できます。ゲストは、ガストロノミーで国際的な料理のブレンドを楽しんだり、リン・リンでアジアの delicaciesを味わったりすることもできます。家族向けやロマンチックなダイニングの選択肢を含む多数のレストランが揃っているため、Atlantis The Royalはすべてのゲストにとって忘れられない美食体験を提供します。

支払いオプションに関しては、リゾートはマスターカード、アメリカン・エキスプレス、JCB、ビザ、ダイナースクラブ、ユニオンペイなど、さまざまな方法を受け付けています。さまざまな支払いオプションを提供することで、Atlantis The Royalは尊敬されるゲストに便利さと柔軟性を提供し、滞在中にシームレスでストレスのない支払い体験を楽しんでもらえるよう努めています。

View (from property/room) in Atlantis The Royal
View (from property/room) in Atlantis The Royal










Spa and wellness centre/facilities in Atlantis The Royal
Spa and wellness centre/facilities in Atlantis The Royal


屋外, 大人専用

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア, 眺望付き, 無限, 屋上の, 飛び込み付き

屋外, 全年齢

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア, 眺望付き, 無限, 屋上の, 飛び込み付き

屋外, 全年齢

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア, 眺望付き, 無限, 屋上の, 飛び込み付き

屋外, 子供専用

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア, 眺望付き, 無限, 屋上の, 飛び込み付き

Swimming pool in Atlantis The Royal
Swimming pool in Atlantis The Royal


La Mar by Gaston Acurio

ファミリーフレンドリー, モダンな, ペルー料理

Estiatorio Milos by Costas Spiliadis

モダンな, ロマンチックな, 地中海

Arianas Persian Kitchen


Dinner by Heston Blumenthal

伝統的な, モダンな, ロマンチックな, イギリス料理

Jaleo by Jose Andres

ファミリーフレンドリー, モダンな, スペイン料理


ファミリーフレンドリー, モダンな, インターナショナル

Malibu 90265

ファミリーフレンドリー, モダンな, アメリカン

The Royal Tearoom with Christophe Devoille


Restaurant/places to eat in Atlantis The Royal
Restaurant/places to eat in Atlantis The Royal
Property building in Atlantis The Royal
Definitely one of the most impressive hotels we've ever seen, anywhere ever :D It's obviously still very new but the rooms were spotlessly clean, the executive lounge serves the most delicious drinks (entirely for free!) and the tastiest food. Breakfast is on another level entirely, neither my Wife or I have ever seen anything close to the amount of variety on offer at this place. There are 17 live cooking stations, chocolate fountains, outrageously expensive cheeses/meats, caviar, an entire station dedicated just to eggs benedict, a proper v60/chemex style coffee cafe and even a whole room for greenery / healthy eating -0 interest for me but it looked amazing haha. If you can afford the extra, pay for the club / lounge access rooms - there is so much value to be had. The butler service with the suite rooms are also incredible and a hugeee and most grateful thank you to Frank and Ahmed who welcomed us to our room and gave us a tour. Impeccable service. This is the first hotel we've found to rival the service of the Burj Al Arab and I hope your stay is just as wonderful as ours. Ohhhh and finally, the toilets in the rooms are insane! They have Japanese/Korean style electric toilets and magic class! I had never seen magic glass and i won't ruin the childish like enjoyment I took from it but check it out! :D


This is the most superior hotel ever. Having been in it, it will be very difficult to come to another hotel, because Atlantis Royal has the highest level of comfort, services, atmosphere and everything you can dream of. Early check-in, payment in different ways, waterpark tickets, any request at the Reception Desk will be solved in a minute. Most of all, this hotel is suitable for adults, but for children it is an incredible experience, a gorgeous fire and water fountain show, gorgeous rooms and views, kids club. Not all restaurants allow children for dinner, but those that do are very suitable for a family environment. The room is simply gorgeous (quietness, cleanliness, care kits, beds) everything is at the highest level.


An amazing hotel which really focuses on the experiences. From the multi-cuisine breakfast, to the breathtaking rooms & views of the palm, there is nothing I can fault. You pay for what you get at the end of the day, and though this hotel is extremely expensive, the experience is second to none. I highly recommend trying out some of the in-house restaurants including Jaleo & the Royal Tea Room. Use the free sprinter to get to the Atlantis, The Palm and check out Nobu as well!


We had a wonderful honeymoon experience at Royal Atlantis Dubai. The facilities were exceptional and the staff went the extra mile to ensure our stay was memorable. The ambiance, services, and amenities made our stay truly special. The breakfast was amazing. We had a fantastic time and would recommend Royal Atlantis to couples looking for a Dubai escape.


Hotel is fantastic. The bedrooms are the best I have ever stayed in and the onsite facilities such as the Gym, Restaurants and pool were top class. Management in all areas are very attentive if you have an issue and try to resolve as quickly as possible.


Definitely one of the most impressive hotels we've ever seen, anywhere ever :D It's obviously still very new but the rooms were spotlessly clean, the executive lounge serves the most delicious drinks (entirely for free!) and the tastiest food. Breakfast is on another level entirely, neither my Wife or I have ever seen anything close to the amount of variety on offer at this place. There are 17 live cooking stations, chocolate fountains, outrageously expensive cheeses/meats, caviar, an entire station dedicated just to eggs benedict, a proper v60/chemex style coffee cafe and even a whole room for greenery / healthy eating -0 interest for me but it looked amazing haha. If you can afford the extra, pay for the club / lounge access rooms - there is so much value to be had. The butler service with the suite rooms are also incredible and a hugeee and most grateful thank you to Frank and Ahmed who welcomed us to our room and gave us a tour. Impeccable service. This is the first hotel we've found to rival the service of the Burj Al Arab and I hope your stay is just as wonderful as ours. Ohhhh and finally, the toilets in the rooms are insane! They have Japanese/Korean style electric toilets and magic class! I had never seen magic glass and i won't ruin the childish like enjoyment I took from it but check it out! :D


This is the most superior hotel ever. Having been in it, it will be very difficult to come to another hotel, because Atlantis Royal has the highest level of comfort, services, atmosphere and everything you can dream of. Early check-in, payment in different ways, waterpark tickets, any request at the Reception Desk will be solved in a minute. Most of all, this hotel is suitable for adults, but for children it is an incredible experience, a gorgeous fire and water fountain show, gorgeous rooms and views, kids club. Not all restaurants allow children for dinner, but those that do are very suitable for a family environment. The room is simply gorgeous (quietness, cleanliness, care kits, beds) everything is at the highest level.


An amazing hotel which really focuses on the experiences. From the multi-cuisine breakfast, to the breathtaking rooms & views of the palm, there is nothing I can fault. You pay for what you get at the end of the day, and though this hotel is extremely expensive, the experience is second to none. I highly recommend trying out some of the in-house restaurants including Jaleo & the Royal Tea Room. Use the free sprinter to get to the Atlantis, The Palm and check out Nobu as well!


We had a wonderful honeymoon experience at Royal Atlantis Dubai. The facilities were exceptional and the staff went the extra mile to ensure our stay was memorable. The ambiance, services, and amenities made our stay truly special. The breakfast was amazing. We had a fantastic time and would recommend Royal Atlantis to couples looking for a Dubai escape.


Hotel is fantastic. The bedrooms are the best I have ever stayed in and the onsite facilities such as the Gym, Restaurants and pool were top class. Management in all areas are very attentive if you have an issue and try to resolve as quickly as possible.


Definitely one of the most impressive hotels we've ever seen, anywhere ever :D It's obviously still very new but the rooms were spotlessly clean, the executive lounge serves the most delicious drinks (entirely for free!) and the tastiest food. Breakfast is on another level entirely, neither my Wife or I have ever seen anything close to the amount of variety on offer at this place. There are 17 live cooking stations, chocolate fountains, outrageously expensive cheeses/meats, caviar, an entire station dedicated just to eggs benedict, a proper v60/chemex style coffee cafe and even a whole room for greenery / healthy eating -0 interest for me but it looked amazing haha. If you can afford the extra, pay for the club / lounge access rooms - there is so much value to be had. The butler service with the suite rooms are also incredible and a hugeee and most grateful thank you to Frank and Ahmed who welcomed us to our room and gave us a tour. Impeccable service. This is the first hotel we've found to rival the service of the Burj Al Arab and I hope your stay is just as wonderful as ours. Ohhhh and finally, the toilets in the rooms are insane! They have Japanese/Korean style electric toilets and magic class! I had never seen magic glass and i won't ruin the childish like enjoyment I took from it but check it out! :D


This is the most superior hotel ever. Having been in it, it will be very difficult to come to another hotel, because Atlantis Royal has the highest level of comfort, services, atmosphere and everything you can dream of. Early check-in, payment in different ways, waterpark tickets, any request at the Reception Desk will be solved in a minute. Most of all, this hotel is suitable for adults, but for children it is an incredible experience, a gorgeous fire and water fountain show, gorgeous rooms and views, kids club. Not all restaurants allow children for dinner, but those that do are very suitable for a family environment. The room is simply gorgeous (quietness, cleanliness, care kits, beds) everything is at the highest level.


An amazing hotel which really focuses on the experiences. From the multi-cuisine breakfast, to the breathtaking rooms & views of the palm, there is nothing I can fault. You pay for what you get at the end of the day, and though this hotel is extremely expensive, the experience is second to none. I highly recommend trying out some of the in-house restaurants including Jaleo & the Royal Tea Room. Use the free sprinter to get to the Atlantis, The Palm and check out Nobu as well!


We had a wonderful honeymoon experience at Royal Atlantis Dubai. The facilities were exceptional and the staff went the extra mile to ensure our stay was memorable. The ambiance, services, and amenities made our stay truly special. The breakfast was amazing. We had a fantastic time and would recommend Royal Atlantis to couples looking for a Dubai escape.


Hotel is fantastic. The bedrooms are the best I have ever stayed in and the onsite facilities such as the Gym, Restaurants and pool were top class. Management in all areas are very attentive if you have an issue and try to resolve as quickly as possible.



Crescent Road Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, アラブ首長国連邦

Atlantis The Royal